
Paris Hilton to 'Spend Time' in Jail

Defense attorney Howard Weitzman was shocked by the sentence and wanted to appeal, while City attorney spokesman Nick Velasquez expressed his personal opinion that the judge's ruling was a clear proof that in Los Angeles everyone must observe the law.The judge did not allow any alternative jail or electronic monitoring, furloughs or work release. As a jail inmate, Paris Hilton will have to spend her days in a small cell in spartan conditions. Her cell would be 12-by-8 feet. It will have a toilet, sink and a window. Taking a shower, watching TV, working up or talking on the phone will be her only comforting activities allowed during the prison sentence.Paris Hilton was sentenced to spend a month and a half in jail. The world-famous heiress must report to a women's jail in suburban Lynwood on June 5. Hilton violated probation in the case of alcohol-related reckless driving. She was driving with a suspended license.Before the judge passed the sentence upon her, Paris Hilton said she felt sorry she was not attentive enough and did not mean to do it on purpose. However, the judge was sure the young woman was perfectly aware about her suspended license.